Repurposing - craft night


April WI Evening

24/4/23 Arrive from 7.15

We were delighted to be joined by the lovely Nikky Cussen who offered to host our members ran evening. Nikky is a crafting fan and in the past ran the SVWI craft nights, she was also our president for a number of years. Unfortunately we don't currently have a craft club, so at members request we have introduced some craft themed activities into our main WI evenings.

The theme of this crafting evening was repurposing (inspired by the Spelthorne Group Meeting craft competition).  Members brought along toilet roll tubes and jars. Exciting and interesting things happened as members turned their repurposing materials into new creations, all was revealed on the night, gift boxes and terrarium were created.

Update: well that was a success the gift boxes went on to win 3rd prize at the Spelthorne Group Meeting.  

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