What's coming up?

WI monthly evenings

4th Monday of the month  7.30 - 9.30 pm

July WI Evening

15/07/24 Arrive from 7.30

Summer drinks night

An evening at a lovely local pub down by the river in Sunbury.

Please join us for a drink and a swish.

We will be running a "swish" at our July WI evening. The theme is summer accessory. Bring along an item (summer bag, scarf, sun glasses, costume jewellery, hat etc).

Venue: 64 Thames St, Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 6AF

September WI Evening

23/09/24 Arrive from 7.30

Bingo night

We will be back at the Conservative Club for bingo night.  To kick start our autumn of activities

 Venue: Sunbury Con Club, Green Street, Sunbury on Thames TW16 6RA

Where the venue is different from our main venue Sunbury conservative Club it will be indicated.

Subject to change, please check for e mail updates including venue.

Upcoming programme date

  • 24th June            How to find the right Perfume for You - Holly Cranmer

  • 15th July             Summer drinks (Magpie Pub)

  •  August               Summer break

  • 23rd Sept            Bingo night

  • 21st October       Quiz night with Annual Meeting to start

  • 25th November  Autumn craft evening  (Hall)

  • 16th December  Christmas Party

We meet at:

Sunbury Con Club, Green Street, Sunbury on Thames TW16 6RA 

4th Monday of the month (unless otherwise indicated) 7.30 - 9.30 pm

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