Members page

2024 -2025

My Wi

My WI, the place to find everything you need to get the most from your WI membership.

The main purposes of the Women's Institute organisation are:

(a) to advance the education of women and girls for the public benefit in all areas including (without limitation): (i) local, national and international issues of political and social importance; (ii) music, drama and other cultural subjects; and (iii) all branches of agriculture, crafts, home economics, science, health and social welfare;

(b) to promote sustainable development for the public benefit by: (i) educating people in the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; and (ii) promoting sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration;

(c) to advance health for the public benefit; and

(d) to advance citizenship for the public benefit by the promotion of civic responsibility and volunteering.

Renewal subscription fee

2024 -25

£48.00 renewal fees are paid annually in March

Fees can be paid by:

BAC payment preferred - Online bank transfer to: Sunbury Village WI

Sort: 20-90-56 Acc: 03398609

Cheque - payable to Sunbury Village or exact cash paid in at a WI meeting

NB: Fees are distributed by our treasurer to pay the federation and NFWI membership fee share. This supports for example the monthly Life magazine and running costs for the charity.

Sunbury Village costs are broken down by rent, running costs such insurance, AGM delegate contribution, promotional materials, admin materials,  website fees etc.  The remaining income from subs is use to run our WI activities.

Were a membership has lapsed see our Join Us page.

Annual reports and accounts

Community Support


Thank you to members for supporting the raffle with gift donations and participation during 2023. The raffle proceeds go to support local charities, a donation was made to Surplus to Supper last year 2022-23, this year 2023-24 a request from members was made to support Families Thriving Together, they will be coming along to our October Annual Meeting to give us an update and recieve the donation. 

A fun evening of bingo at our September 2023 WI evening helped raised money for our chosen charity for 2023 Surplus to Supper. Added together with the evening raffle takings a total of £60 was donated. 


Thank you, knitters

Sunbury Village WI members make twiddle muffs and blankets - in January 2023 we received a message of huge thanks from the Dementia lead at Ashford and St Peters Hospital who reported just how valuable they are at keeping people safe and amused.


A collection at our March 24 WI evening raised £73.10 for the charity Cruse Bereavement who were our speakers on the night.  For more information see our blog page Cruse Bereavement

A collect via our charity boxes raised a donation to Families Thriving Together of £60 at the May 2023 WI evening. They were so grateful they sent a letter of thanks.

A donation of £78.76 was made to the Brigette Trust following our charity night talk at the February WI evening 2023.

Christmas 2022 saw Sunbury Village WI support the St Saviour's appeal gifts - thank you to all our member for their overwhelming generosity.

At our March 2022 evening we supported our speaker, John Tye's Charity Dreamflight with a donation of £116.32 this local charity takes children with a serious illness or disability on their holiday of a lifetime to Orlando. . For more information visit

Community Events

Sunbury Village WI took part in the Village Jubilee celebration event on Orchard Meadow on the 4th June 2022, by hosting a local competition to find a cake to celebrate The Queen (WI President) in her platinum year. The competition was open to local people as well as WI members. The cakes were then sold to raise money for the The Sunbury Gallery development.

On the afternoon of Saturday 21st May 2022, Sunbury Village WI and Sunbury on Thames WI hosted a Platinum Jubilee Tea Party in partnership with Sunbury Neighbours for local elderly residents.

In the September of 2023 Sunbury Village WI along Teddington WI ran a Riverside Dip and Dabble event for the Middlesex Federation. The event was in support of the National WI campaign clean rivers for people and wildlife. See the event blog for all the details and photos. 

Community Activities

On a slight damp October morning in 2023 a group of our WI members took to the streets and river bank in Sunbury Village for a litter pick.  See our blog from more information,

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